Füm vape aims to help smokers and vape users break their habits by providing a comparable experience while minimizing potential negative health effects. The company’s slogan, “Everything Good Without Anything Bad,” reflects this commitment. Do Füm vapes truly provide a healthier and more effective means to eliminate unwanted habits? Let’s find out!
What is Füm vape?
Let’s begin with the basics: what exactly is a Füm vape?
Füm is not technically a vape; it is an inhalable flavored product designed as an alternative to both traditional tobacco products and vapes. Instead of producing vapor, Füm uses a refillable wooden inhaler with essential oil-infused cores.
When cravings strike, simply inhale from the mouthpiece and enjoy a burst of flavor – a healthier option compared to smoking or vaping according to the manufacturer.
Here is how the manufacturer summarizes the core concept behind Füm vapes:
" The Füm V2 was designed to approach three major components of habit formation that we feel are often overlooked- Flavour, Fidget, and Fixation. (...) Füm is a tool to give you something positive to enjoy the flavor of, to fill the need to fidget, and replace the fixation of the hand to mouth habit. "
Benefits of using Füm vape
According to the manufacturer, Füm helps replace negative habits with positive ones in three ways:
- Flavor: Füm offers enjoyable flavors that satisfy cravings linked to negative habits.
- Fidgeting: Designed features of Füm provide a way to fidget and de-stress, replacing physical habits.
- Fixation: Füm acts as an alternative to the hand-to-mouth actions often associated with negative habits.
While scientific evidence supporting Füm’s efficacy for quitting smoking is limited, there are numerous encouraging anecdotal reports. For instance, a Reddit user shared a positive experience where Füm helped reduce nicotine consumption:
" My dad bought himself one, and one for me in a 2 pack after hearing about it from an ad on Steve-O’s podcast. I’m 21, we both vape nicotine. We just got them today. I really, really like it and so does he. Neither of us really have the intention of quitting, but of reducing our usage. I constantly hit mine. Now I’m constantly hitting the Füm instead. In an hour on average I would probably hit my vape (nicotine) 30-40 times at least. Now I’m only hitting it about once an hour. (...) "
Similarly, a former smoker shared a success story in a YouTube video:
" It doesn't, it hasn't got nicotine or anything in it like that, and it's designed to help you stop smoking. It's not a replacement, just like nicotine patches help you to stop smoking, this does the same thing because it's a pacifier. It gives you something to put in your mouth and get out of the wind there, and also it's quite refreshing. Now I've managed to give up smoking. "
While these anecdotal accounts are promising, solid scientific evidence is currently lacking to definitively conclude that Füm aids in smoking cessation or cessation of vape use.
Is Füm safe to use?
Some medical experts have expressed concerns about inhaling essential oils, which may elevate the risk of certain chronic diseases.
A 2022 study reached the following conclusions:
- Black pepper, cinnamon, vanilla, lemon/lime, mint, fir/pine, and eucalyptus impair respiratory immune function and increase oxidative stress.
- Lavender, eucalyptus, and tea tree oils release harmful chemicals like terpenes, toluene, and benzene.
- These chemicals can cause breathlessness and respiratory issues in both asthmatic and non-asthmatic people.
Aaron Weiner, a licensed board-certified psychologist and master addiction counselor, voiced his concerns about Füm and similar products on his blog. Among other criticisms, Weiner highlighted the following issues:
" These are not regulated products, so what’s actually in them may not be reflective of the labels I can see it as very possible that many users will end up inhaling a non-zero amount into their lungs, particularly new users. Safety implications about this largely unknown. For companies making claims related to smoking cessation or other health benefits, they clearly overgeneralize and apply those claims to all their products, despite those products having different oils and delivery systems than the ones used in the studies. "

Low nicotine alternatives to "aromatherapy" vapes
Are you currently striving to quit smoking traditional cigarettes? If so, consider exploring the wide array of low nicotine vaping products available. These alternatives offer you the opportunity to progressively decrease your nicotine intake over time, supporting a more manageable and effective transition towards a smoke-free lifestyle.