THC-X: Benefits, Risks, and Legal Status
We are living in the Green Rush era. As more countries legalize THC products, attitudes toward cannabis are changing. However, some nations are still hesitant to legalize Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis. This has led to the emergence of alternative cannabinoids. In this article, we will take a closer look at THC-X and what makes it different.
What is THC-X?
The term THC-X was first coined by Frozen Fields, a cannabis company established in 2022. Frozen Fields also refers to THC-X as “Formula-X,” and here is what they have to say about it:
"At Frozen Fields we pride ourselves in our passion for the hemp plant and pushing the boundaries of how it can improve our daily lives. Discovered by our lead scientist–Frozen Field’s patent-pending ‘Formula-X’ is an extremely bioavailable form of hemp-derived THC; with an almost-instantaneous, yet long-lasting effect."
But what exactly is THC-X? It does not refer to a single molecule but rather to a mixture of three different Delta-8 esters.
THC-X contains:
- Delta-8 acetoacetate,
- Delta-8 butyrate, and
- Delta-8 isovalerate.
Other brands have begun selling THC-X products, but it is unclear if they use the same Delta-8 esters. To make things even more confusing, there is a term in the cannabis industry, “THCX,” which refers to a screening technique used to detect Delta-8 and Delta-9 THC in urine. According to the Mayo Clinic Laboratories, THCX is useful for
"detection and confirmation of drug use of cannabis/marijuana and to specifically identify and quantify delta-8 carboxy tetrahydrocannabinol (THC-COOH) and delta-9-THC-COOH."
What effects does THC-X have?
There is close to zero research on the specific physiological effects of THC-X. Based on the limited scientific data and anecdotal reports available, the three Delta-8 esters found in the original formula may have psychoactive effects similar to traditional cannabis products.
However, when you purchase THC-X flowers, pre-filled pens, carts, or edibles from other brands, you cannot be certain of the product’s contents. As a result, it is unclear whether these products will produce a high. Also, since the exact ingredients in some THC-X formulas are unknown, the potential health risks are uncertain.
At Vape Global Store, we strongly recommend sticking with compounds that have more scientific data supporting their long-term safety and that are legal in your area.
Is THC-X legal?
THC-X is federally legal under the 2018 Farm Bill if it comes from legal hemp and contains less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. However since the exact content of THC-X blends is often unclear, the legal status of the product in your area might be uncertain. This is why we recommend buying from trustworthy retailers with third-party testing results. This way, you can be sure of what is in your alternative cannabinoid product and avoid any legal issues.
THC-X safety data is not available. Should you still try it?
As we have previously mentioned, it is impossible to make informed conclusions about the potential safety hazards of THC-X since there is no long-term scientific data on the compound. At this time, we cannot confidently say whether THC-X is safe or dangerous to consume.
This is why we suggest using compounds that are thoroughly studied and known to be safe. If THC is legal in your area, it may be a better option to choose that instead.

Are THC-X disposable vapes safe to use?
The ingredients in THC-X disposable vapes are not well-documented, so we cannot confirm their safety.
What is a THC-X cart?
A THC-X cart contains a mix of alternative cannabinoids. If it follows the original formula from Frozen Fields, it will include Delta-8 acetoacetate, Delta-8 butyrate, and Delta-8 isovalerate.
Are THC-X edibles psychoactive? Will they get me high?
THC-X edibles that use the Frozen Fields formula are likely to have mind-altering effects and may get you high.